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It is hard put this game into an "adventure" catagory. It is also part action game. Though, the action part is what makes this game so difficult to play. It simply has way too many keyboard keys to memorize. It needed good joystick support in my opinion. The game play style is simialr to Alone in the Dark, or Resident Evil. The rooms are all pre-renedered and static. All ingame characters and props are 3D polygonal objects. As you move around, the view changes. Some of the angles are strange and the shifts in perspective make it hard during combat. The plot has been done before. You awaken with no memory of who (or what) you are. You have been turned into a cyborg warrior. You struggle to figure out who you were and maybe reclaim your humanity in the process. Yawn. The game does have some nifty design elments, but the diffucult combat really kills your desire to "see what happens" next.
Newman Rating: 1 Star 1 Star
System: PC PC
Region: United States United States
Category: Adventure Games
Publisher: Origin
Includes: Nothing
Condition: Loose
Date Added: October 21, 2005
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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