Game Collection Database
Another top down vetically forward scrolling space shooter. I first played a port of Silpheed in DOS. Sierra did a good port of the game. What attracted me to the DOS version was a review of the games music. A magazine article described some employee at Sierra who would sneak in late at night an crank up his MT-32 and play the game. I never had a MT-32, but I was excited at the time to see what my Sound Blaster would sound like. I was impressed more by the music than the gameplay itself.
Now comes the Sega CD version of the game. Now the graphics have been pumped up with a more 3 dimensional feel. Still, I never could get into space shooters all that much. Maybe my reaction time just was never good enough.
Newman Rating:

2 Star


United States
Current Value:
Date Added:
October 21, 2005
Last Updated:
February 20, 2019