Game Collection Database


Pac-Man. The Atari 2600 version.
This was the worst official port of Pac-Man ever made. I'm not sure what Atari was thinking. Why in the hell is there a blue background? It still irks me to this day. At least the basic game play is there. And the Atari 2600 version had very distinctive sound. Which for some reason is the sounds used for many years in TV and movies for generic video game sounds. Atari did a much much better job with its port of Ms. Pac-Man
Newman Rating: 1 Star 1 Star
System: Atari 2600 Atari 2600
Format: cartridge cartridge
Region: United States United States
Category: Arcade Games
Publisher: Atari
Includes: Nothing
Condition: Loose
Current Value: $3.81
Date Added: October 21, 2005
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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