Game Collection Database
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid defines the Playstation. It took console games to a whole new level. It combines a slick 3D action/stealth game with an incredible cinematic storyline.
You play Solid Snake. You are recruited once again to stop members of Foxhound, your old unit, from using a giant walking mech armed with nucular warheads. This is actually a sequel to the popular NES title Metal Gear. There is a second game in the series that was never released here in the states. It was only available on a japanese computer called the MSX.
You start the game with no weapons, and need to procure them onsite. You have an on screen radar that shows the sight lines of your enemies. This will allow your to sneak by most situations with no combat. Don't think there is not any action. You will still need to fight your way past the members of Foxhound via intense boss battles.
This is by far my favorite title on the Playstation 1. I still load it up from time to time on my PC via an emulator called ePSXe. The screenshots you see here were taken from that emulator. It does enhance the graphics slightly.
My only complaints are that: one, the game was fairly short. And two, the dialog sequences via codec can get too long and drawn out. I much prefer the in game cinematics over the static talking heads you see in the codec.
Newman Rating:

4 Star


United States
Current Value:
Date Added:
October 21, 2005
Last Updated:
February 20, 2019