Game Collection Database

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

Battle pesky winged devil things
Heretic was the first game to license the DOOM engine (that I remember anyway). It was great fun to battle midevil creatures with fantastic weapons that don't exist in our reality. One of my personal favorite weapons of all time can be found in this game. The morph ovum. Basically it is this egg that you can throw at your enemies that will turn them into chickens. From there it is easy to blow them away into a puff of feathers. It is even more hilarious during 4 person multiplayer.
Newman Rating: 3 Star 3 Star
System: PC PC
Region: United States United States
Category: 1st Person Shooter
Publisher: id Software
Includes: Nothing
Condition: Loose
Date Added: October 21, 2005
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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