Game Collection Database

Duke Nukem: The Manhattan Project

in game
Duke Nukem returns to the perpective where we first met him. Side-scrolling. This game was supposed to be released in episodes, but that never came to pass. Since this was not done in-house by 3D Realms but by the outside developer ARUSH Entertainment, it does not have the style we saw in Duke Nukem 3D. It is a watered down family safe Duke we see here. Not a bad game really. Just am example that side scrollers are maybe not best done in 3D graphics.
Newman Rating: 3 Star 3 Star
System: PC PC
Region: United States United States
Category: Action Games
Publisher: 3D Realms
Includes: Game Manual
Condition: Loose
Date Added: March 17, 2005
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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