Game Collection Database

Donkey Kong

The Updated Donkey Kong, arcade classics series. Now includes the pie level that was removed from the US release. This cart was produced by RetroUSB. While a better port than the US version. I am still disapointed that the NES version does not include the opening animation, and the in-between level screens. Also, the animation of Donkey Kong carrying away Pauline at the end of level is skipped. I know that ROMs were expensive back in the day, but they cut out some of the things that really add personality to the game.
Newman Rating: 3 Star 3 Star
System: NES NES
Format: cartridge cartridge
Region: United States United States
Category: Arcade Games
Publisher: Nintendo
Includes: Nothing
Condition: Loose
Current Value: $25.84
Date Added: August 15, 2012
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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